�� Studies and information about football violence





 �� Hooligans

 �� Studies

 �� Documents

 �� Papers & news


*�� No violence

��� (10 items)


*�� Hooligans

��� (26 items/documents)


*�� Fans & violence

��� (38 items/documents)


*�� Fussball und Gewalt

��� (Switzerland)


*Hooliganism: bibliografy

�� list of books & studies����




������������� HOME



*�� Football violence

��� (89 items/documents)


*�� Hooliganism


*�� Leicester University

��� (10 documents)


*�� De bal of de man

��  (Dutch)



*European Handbook

��� prevention violence


*European Council on

�� football hooliganism


*National reports on

�� fan- misbehavior


*Good practices

��� against racism


*Handbuch zur Gewalt-

��� prvention im Sport


*Fan Projekte 2002

�� (German)


*Fussball ohne Grenzen

�� (German)


*Fanarbeit in Europa


*Beleidskader bestrijding

�� voetbalvandalisme


*OM & voetbalvandalisme



�� repressieve maatregelen

*Het stadionverbod


*Resoluties Europese Unie




*�� Verordnete Defensive

��� (17 items/documents)


*�� Anst��e (German)

��� (17 items/documents)


*�� Dutch fan projects


*�� Supportersprojecten

��� (Dutch)


*�� LOS nieuwsbrief 1

��� (Dutch)  


*�� LOS nieuwsbrief 2

��� (Dutch)  


*�� Voetbalvandalisme

���� notities en nota�s 

���� (60 items/documents)


*�� GA Eagles jeugdproject




























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