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Launched by the Secretary of State for Education and Employment, David Blunkett in October 1998, Community United is a unique partnership between a top football club and its supporters.

The initiative uses the power of football to provide positive experiences for thousands of young people and their families through a wide variety of innovative projects.

Through strategic business partnerships with the Government, the local authority and key business sponsors, Community United delivers a comprehensive range of grassroots football coaching, education, training and community projects.

For more information:
Emma Stanford, Leeds United Community Affairs Manager
Telephone: 0113 226 6181





Leeds United Schools Projects






"The scheme is giving youngsters a real interest in education and learning �It is making youngsters enjoy learning as well as getting to know the club."

The Right Honourable David Blunkett
Secretary of State for Education and Employment





������������������� "Playing for Success is about effort, teamwork and improving skills."

�������������������� Peter Ridsdale
�������������������� Chairman, Leeds United FC


'Playing for Success' is a major part of the Government's 'National Framework for Study Support'.

The aim is to raise standards of achievement by supporting the development of literacy, numeracy and ICT skills at Key Stages 2 and 3, out of hours. It also develops pupil confidence and motivation and to provide a positive educational experience for all who take part.

For further information contact Steve Smith on 0113 226 6303 or
[email protected]




���������� Leeds United Virtual Learning Centre


20 networked PC's with access to Internet, email facility & video conferencing

"Successmaker" , Integrated Learning System with differentiated software, to develop individual teaching programs to support the development of understanding in maths, spelling and reading.

Multi-media CD-ROM titles to support maths skills, spelling skills, reference and study skills, thinking skills and homework

Word Processing, scanning & printing facility

The 'Leeds United Library' with fiction, reference and football related reading material

Celebrity interview corner with video recording facilities, TV & video


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Leeds United Learning Through Football

Open to Leeds Primary and Special Schools, Elland Road Stadium is used as a resource to support a wide range of cross-curricular topics and themes or develop children's understanding in specific curriculum areas.

A 96 page planning guide with photographs, worksheets and National Curriculum links is available to all participating schools. The project involves a day's visit to the Stadium which is delivered and planned by the Study Support Manager in consultation with participating teachers.


Leeds United Anti-Racism Activity - Community Department

Leeds United recognise that unfortunately there is still the problem of racism within football whether that be in the stands or on the pitch. Clubs are tackling this problem in a number of ways to try and get the message across to their fans, the local community and nationally across all football clubs, that in the 21st century racism is no longer tolerable.

The strategy that Leeds United has developed aims to reach the wide spectrum of people that are our community. This requires different communication techniques and a greater understanding of the varying cultures and ethnic backgrounds within Leeds. In order to achieve this we work closely with a number of organisations such as Kick Racism out of Football, Leeds City Council Equal Opportunities, the Race Equality Advisory Forum, Leeds United Fans Forum, local Schools, Hindu Charitable Trust, Seikh Temple, ARC Theatre Group and many local ethnic minority projects.

Detailed below are the specific projects that Leeds United are involved in:

Marketing & Match-Day Promotions

Constant match-day activities

  • Pitchside Hoardings
  • Match-day programme ads and Chairman's message
  • Match-day announcements

Specific Match Promotion - Newcastle - 20th January 2001

  • Anti-Racism Hotline set up.
  • Leaflets 20/01/01 - Chairman's statement
  • Press Conference 19/01/01 - As above

Specific Match Promotion - Leicester - 8th May 2001

  • New 4 page anti-racism leaflet designed by the fans forum given out at the match, see copy
  • Pre-match message encouraging people to type in the hotline number into their mobile phone and report any incidents of racial abuse.

Specific Match Promotion - Troyes 18th October 2001

  • 'Kick it Out' football week - promotion of the Kick It Out campaign in conjunction with other Premier League clubs
  • Included - programme article, mention in Chairman's message, Team Captains message, Tannoy announcements, Players wearing Kick It Out' T-shirts during warm up, all match-day staff wore KIO badges, photo opportunity with key players

Further match-day promotions will continue in the forth-coming season.


  • Team posters carrying the Leeds United Against Racism message

Education Projects

  • Leeds United Against Racism Schools Project in association with the YEP - includes:-
  • Steve Smith Learning Centre Manager working with local schools
  • Players visiting schools for Q & A sessions
  • Monthly Awards

The Leeds United Against Racism Schools Project (LUARSP) was launched in association with the Yorkshire Evening Post to recognise the commitment of schools working on racism issues. Leeds United's Learning Centre Manager, Steve Smith, visits local schools to explain how racism can happen both on and off the pitch. Motivated by what can happen to their football heroes, the children develop strategies to tackle racism, within the classroom, the school and the local community. Every 6 weeks we then take players of different nationalities to visit a school, present the LUARSP award and answer racism-related questions to further their knowledge on the racism issue and congratulate them on their hard work.

The first award went to Farnley Park High School who have worked extremely hard on the project to the extent of the children setting up their own anti-racism committee, taking an active role in the ethos of the school environment., FIFA Fair Play award winner, Lucas Radebe and top striker Mark Viduka presented the award at a special assembly. 500 pupils got to meet their football heroes as well as ask key questions related to the issue of racism and football. Lucas and Mark talked openly about their experiences whilst the children listened intently to the different ways in which racism occurs when playing football. The visit was a huge success and stirred public awareness of racist issues through a week-long run of articles in the YEP which has resulted in a large number of Leeds' schools contacting Leeds United to get involved in the project.

Other Education projects

  • Learning Through Football Days includes a session on racism issues
  • Regular contact with students supplying information on the work of the club in relation to racism issues.
  • Football in the Community; football coaching sessions include anti-racism work.
  • Show Racism the Red Card Anti-Racism Competition in association with the schools linked with Leeds United.

External Education Activity

At present the teaching team deliver 6, half day sessions in primary schools working with 3 at present; It is expected that the team will reach another 6 schools during the rest of the school year. The programme is delivered using Leeds United as a case study in terms of football players receiveing racist abuse and the 'Show Racism the Red Card Video' in conjunction with the National Literacy Strategy and the PSHCE Framework. A range of activities are undertaken depending on year group but in the main cover the following:-

  • Poster design
  • Role play
  • Story writing
  • Play scripts
  • Newspapers
  • ITN Videoed News Report
  • Letter Writing
  • Show Racism the Red Card
  • Poetry writing
  • Diary entries
  • Drama


Links with external organisations & events

  • ARC Theatre performance

The ARC theatre group specialises in hard-hitting plays and is sponsored by HSBC who organized a tour of the play 'My England' in Leeds. One of the venues in Leeds was Elland Road and we invited a wide range of community groups including the Sikh Temple, the Hindu Charitable Trust, schools and businesses. The play 'My England' focuses on a white England fan, a black England fan and a policewoman at an England football match and examines the way they react with each other. The play was important to create awareness and get people talking about the issue of racism within football and the local community.

  • Anti-Racism Fans Forum - Set up specifically last season to look at improving relations with ethnic minority fans and getting the message across that Leeds Utd will not tolerate racism at any match.
  • Leeds United are building links with local ethnic minority groups including giving out complimentary tickets to these groups to encourage them to come to a match.
  • Links with Leeds City Council's Equal Opportunities department including hosting the Stephen Lawrence Awards in October
  • Kick it Out - Anti-racism campaigning organization related to football.
  • Show Racism the Red Card
  • Red Card To Racism Football Tournament: signed merchandise, Copy for their programme
  • Big Issue Big Difference Awards - We were in the shortlist last season for an award recognising our Leeds United Against Racism Schools Project detailed above.
  • FARE Action Week - 'United Colours of Football free fanzine distributed at Southampton Game (Kick it Out & Football Unites/ Racism Divides project)
  • The Leeds United Book Challenge presentation evening, Kick it Out sponsored local poet Ansell Broderick to come along and entertain the crowd with his insightful interactive poetry looking at how communities should learn to get along and enjoy each others different cultures. Olivier Dacourt also attended the event
  • Leeds United recently sponsored the Stephen Lawrence Awards which congratulate schools on a yearly basis on their efforts to achieve a standard against racism set by the Race Equality Advisory Forum. Lucas Radebe attended the event and spoke about his childhood growing up in apartheid.
  • Racial Harassment Project, re-launch. Emma Stanford, David Walker and Rio Ferdinand to speak at the re-launch of the project, local celebrities will also be speaking to try and raise the profile of the project both within Leeds and Nationally.

